Green Flash Goes POP! Color Crazy

Green Flash Brewing Company is kicking off 2019 with a new logo identity and packaging refresh, as well as a new lineup for the year ahead. The 2019 Green Flash portfolio features the highly anticipated return of the original 7.0 percent ABV West Coast IPA alongside new beers, returning fan favorites and special releases. As the craft-beer landscape evolves, Green Flash remains focused on innovating its beers and packaging to meet the diverse and changing expectations of craft-beer drinkers.
The new branding is intended to reconnect Green Flash with its San Diego origins. The packaging prominently features custom artwork by illustrator Matthew Jay Fleming, whose illustrations depict the vibrant San Diego lifestyle. A Toast from the Coast manifesto speaks to the inspirational story behind the brand’s name and describes why a Green Flash beer is a perfect end to an extraordinary day and the start of an epic night on the horizon.

“Our new visual identity represents a dramatic shift for the Green Flash brand and reinforces its origin as one of the original San Diego craft beers,” “Regarding West Coast IPA, over the years we have been listening to our loyal drinkers who reminisced about the original recipe. So we’re excited to bring it back for them to enjoy, along with a portfolio of other fan favorites and new beer releases to come.”
Green Flash Brewing Co. VP of Marketing Ben Widseth

So what do you think of the iconic brands new branding, look, colors and overall look/feel?
Is it TOO colorful? Is it just right? Is it modern and iconic?
Overall we like the look and the feel is definitely fresh and vibrant. The white background is riding on the white modern cafe aesthetic of course. But the pallet is striking and engaging and very gender neutral. No naked bikini chicks.
The MOST interesting thing is that they got rid of all but their four flagship beers. No more wide and deep product line. They do have a seasonal line of course, but they essentially paired their entire storied line down to four beers. AND three of those four beers are IPAs. (insatiable animals!)
Is this the state of things to come or a one off for a struggling brand?